The East Windsor Historical Society is headquartered in the brick East Windsor Academy, also known as the Scantic Academy (pdf), which was built in 1817 by the Academy Company, a group of stockholders. It originally had a cupola containing a school bell. The first floor served as a school until 1938, except for an period between 1871 and 1896, when it was owned by the First Congregational Church and used for various meetings. It was then used as a dwelling for a number of years and was converted into two apartments for teachers in the area in 1946 by L. Ellsworth Stoughton. He later donated, first, the upper floor for a museum in 1968 and then the entire building in his will to the Society.
I grew up in warehouse point. We lived on prospect hill drive. My father was raised in the county home there. When I was young, we used to walk to “the point” , to Ben Franklin store for candy. There was a large house on the south west corner of route five and 140. It was torn down. I cannot find any old photos of it. I remember it being a dark greenish color. We used to let our imaginations think up all kinds of stories about that house. Anyway, I do not have many happy memories of my childhood, but, the ones I have of the town gave me a lifelong attraction to small, old towns. We would cut through the field behind marsh motorcycles and eventually get to the trolley museum. My grammar school had a carving in a cement bannister that said “I love Amy”. Eugene Lemann carved that in the forth grade. It was right outside the councilors office in the old part of the school. Anyway, I hope your town kept that “small town” feeling.