The Greek Revival house at 38 Church Street in Roxbury was built in 1842 for Dr. Myron Downs. His life is described in the Proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society, Vol. IV, No. 1 (1888):
Myron Downs, M.D., was born in the town of Roxbury, Litchfield Co.. Conn., A.D. 1805.
He studied medicine with Dr. Josiah R. Eastman of that town, and graduated from the medical department of Yale College in 1830, and the same year became a member of the Litchfield County Medical Society, which relationship continued to the day of his death.
He practiced his profession a few years in the village of New Preston in the adjoining town of Washington. At the earnest solicitation of Dr. Eastman, who wished to give up his practice, he returned to Roxbury in 1832, and was soon engaged in a laborious country practice in which he continued nearly fifty years. He died in Roxbury, April 7, 1887.
Dr. Downs was a conscientious, faithful, and devoted physician, giving his long life to the practice of his profession regardless of any question of compensation for his services. An old and intimate friend justly said of him: “He seemed to consider the human race as one great family; that his services were due alike to rich and poor; that he would rather die without wealth than to make a demand for payment for services rendered to the poor and unfortunate members of the family.”
He was called upon to fill many important trusts in the community. He was Judge of Probate, Town Treasurer, a representative in the State Legislature, Postmaster, and for over forty years Town Clerk. To all of these offices he gave the same honest faithful service that he rendered by the bedside of his patients.
Dr. Downs was married to Marinda B. Benedict of New Preston. His wife died Oct. G, 1886. He had no children.
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