David Wickham (1714-1797), a shoemaker, purchased land to build the house at 1197 Main Street in Glastonbury in 1742, with additional land purchased in 1745, by which time the house was standing. Across the rear of the house is a one-story shed-roof extension which is part of the original construction.
David Wickham House (1745)
My wife Patricia and I live in the Benton House, dated 1740, at 2195 Main St in Glastonbury. We have opened our home to visitors from all over the world as the Connecticut River Valley Inn. We would be delighted if you could include our home with all the other awesome properties we have here in Glastonbury.
Ooops! I got to the historic buildings web site through a link on the Glastonbury Community web site, not realizing it was the middle of the listings of Glastonbury historic homes. Our home, the Benton Hale house is listed.