The Crosley F. Fitton House, built around 1865, is at the corner of Elm and Prospect Streets in Rockville, Vernon. Crosley Fitton, born in England, was brought to the United States at the age of three. As described in Illustrated Popular Biography of Connecticut (1891), he
became a woolen manufacturer, as was his father before him. Twenty-six years ago he came to Rockville, and for twenty-four years he has been the agent of the Rock Manufacturing Company, being the oldest in continuous service of all who have held official connection with the manufacturing establishments of Rockville. As a woolen manufacturer he ranks among the most able in New England, and during his connection with the Rock Company it has enjoyed continued success and prosperity under his management. The mills have been enlarged, the most improved machinery obtained, the force increased, and woolen goods manufactured equal to any produced in the country. Mr. Fitton [d. 1891] was always a hard worker, and often the first man at the mill in the morning and the last to leave at night.
Beautiful and original house!
I am living in Captain W.E. Spicer’s House in Mystic (Elm Street). It is a wonderful place, and I am looking for more information about the building and its founder. After searching through your website, I wonder if you have any information about the subject? Thanks if that is the case.
Have a great week,
I don’t have info on that house. You could check with the local library and town hall.
Would you happen to know the name of Crosley F. Fitton’s father? Thank you.
This is my Great Grandfather’s house. It is so interesting to find your ancestors….My niece is doing our ancestry….
My father, Crosley Fitton. lived here for a while in his youth with his Grandfather, Crosley Fitton.