Church’s Tavern, also known as the Old Post Tavern and the Risley House, is a colonial house at 11 Main Street South in Bethlehem. While Aaron Burr was a student at Dr. Joseph Bellamy‘s theological school in Bethlehem, he mentioned the house in a letter to his sister dated January 17, 1774. The letter is quoted in volume 1 of James Parton’s The Life and Times of Aaron Burr (1893):
P. M., 2 o’clock.—I have just been over to the Tavern to buy candles; there I saw six slay-loads of Bucks & Bells, from Woodberry, and a happier company I believe there never was; it really did me good to look at them. They were drinking Cherry Rum when I entered the room, and I easily perceived that both Males and Females had enough to keep them in Spirits. The Females especially looked too immensely goodnatured to say no to anything. And I doubt not the Effects of this Frolic will be very visible a few Months hence.
Is this tavern located in Hartford. I believe this maybe the the meeting place for LaFayette and the area Officers who fought with him at Yorktown. They met in 1784,to celebrate. If you have any info on this meeting please forward.
Re: Timothy R. O’Connell
This structure, as indicated by where it’s posted, is located in Bethlehem. Specifically it is located on the east side of Rte 61 across from the Green. We just did some work for the newest owners and am certain it is the same structure.