The J. Elms Building is located at 60 Lyme Street in Old Lyme. According to the Old Lyme Historical Society Walking Tour brochure, the building dates to 1887. It was built by James Bugbee (possibly James Francis Bugbee?) as a house next to a storage building. In 1889 he converted it into his store, which he later deeded to his daughter and granddaughters, while he resided the rest of his life in a house abutting the store (which was known for many years as “Bugbee’s Store”). The store has had many owners over the years, including Elizabeth Griswold Whitley and her husband, Joseph.
In 1894 a fire destroyed the factory buildings of the Turner and Seymour Manufacturing Company in Torrington. George Lilley, a Waterbury developer who later became governor of Connecticut (serving for a less than four months in office before his death in 1909), bought the company’s land between Water Street and the Naugatuck River. Between 1896 and 1912, he erected several commercial buildings along Main and Water Streets, one of which is the building at 29-57 Water Street, built in 1896. Designed by Theodore S. Peck, the structure consists of five connected Romanesque blocks, each block being slightly taller than its neighbor as the street ascends a hill. The ground floors contain commercial storefronts, which the upper stories are apartments.
The building at 25 Lyme Street in Old Lyme was built in 1867 as the J. A. Rowland Hardware Store, which occupied it until 1948, when it was sold to Smith’s Hardware. In 1975, antiques dealer Richard T. French bought the building, which soon became the Country Duffer clothing store. The building has been home to The Cooley Gallery since 1988.
Like Meeker’s Hardware in Danbury, which I featured on this site a few days ago, W. H. Morrison in Torrington was another hardware store that closed in the early twenty-first century after being in business for over a century. The Italianate commercial building at 63 Water Street was erected in 1896 by William H. Morrison to house his plumbing and hardware business. The store finally closed in 2010 after 114 years. The Southern New England Telephone Company rented offices on the second floor until 1930.
Meeker’s Hardware was a Danbury institution for 125 years. In 1883, feed and grain dealers Hendrick Barnum and Oscar Meeker began a partnership that Meeker, who came from Bridgeport, would continue alone after Barnum’s death in 1886. In 1885 Meeker opened his tool and feed store at 86-90 White Street in Danbury. The building, also known as the Red Block, was designed by architect Charles Crossley of Danbury and was erected over a period from 1883 to 1889. The upper floors were destroyed by a fire that swept lower White Street in 1896, but Meeker soon rebuilt. The tall rear section originally housed the company’s feed and grain warehouse and there was a steam-operated grindstone in the basement that was in operation until about 1912. Starting in 1983 (the same year the building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places), the store became known for selling Coca-Cola for 5 cents, as advertised by a sign painted on the side of the building. This was switched to Pepsi in 2006, after a Coca-Cola sales representative wanted Mr. Meeker to install newer and more expensive soda fountain equipment. The store was renovated in 2009. After Meeker’s Hardware closed in 2013, it remained vacant until Vazquez Soccerchamp Sportsopenedin 2016. Vintage fixtures from the old store, including cabinets, counters and other artifacts were removed in 2018 to be sold by Provenance, a Phildelphia salvage company.
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