I’ll be doing a presentation on Hartford’s old East Side neighborhood next Thursday, February 21 at the Elmwood Senior Center in West Hartford. This is the neighborhood of the old Front Street that was demolished in the late 1950s to make way for Constitution Plaza, the Phoenix Building and the interstate highway. Using historic photos, we will journey down State Street to Front Street and then to Commerce Street along the Connecticut River. Revisit a fascinating urban landscape that was lost to redevelopment over 60 years ago.
This is part of a series of three talks I’m giving at the Elmwood Senior Center. I’m also doing a course through West Hartford LifeLearn Continuing Education called “Great Buildings of Hartford” that begins later this month.
I am currently living in UK but have family living in Windsor so visit frequently. My next trip will be sometime this fall. Would be interested in attending any events you might have at that time?
Another out of town reader here. I research architecture and lost neighborhoods in Dayton, OH but I have family from the area near Hartford so I enjoy reading this blog. Would also love to make it to a future event sometime when I take a trip to CT.
Sue and Andrew, thank you for your interest! Keep an eye on this site (as well as my Facebook and Twitter feeds) for announcements of future events that you might be able to attend.