Buildings Index
Ferry Road
2 First Congregational Church of Old Lyme (1910)
Library Lane
2 Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library (1898)
Lyme Street
1 John McCurdy House (1700)
5 Capt. Samuel Mather House (1790)
9 Boxwood (1842)
22 (1843)
25 The Cooley Gallery (1867)
31 Daniel Chadwick House (1830)
33 Hiram G. Marvin House (1824)
54 Justin Smith House (1710)
55 Old Lyme Historical Society (1910)
60 J. Elms Building (1887)
76 Amos Bacon House (1850)
84 John Sill House (1817)
85 Old Lyme Inn (1856)
90 Lyme Art Association (1921)
96 Florence Griswold House (1817)
96 Huntley-Brown House (1795)
100 Bee and Thistle Inn (1756)
105 Dr. Richard Noyes House (1814)
Sill Lane
1 Peck Tavern (1680)
Old Lyme Historical Society
Florence Griswold Museum
Lyme Art Association
Old Silltown, Something of its History and People (1912), by Sarah Sill Welles Burt
History of the Ely Re-union, held at Lyme, Conn., July 10th, 1878 (1879)