Buildings Index of Berlin & Kensington
Alling Street
485 St. Paul Catholic Church (1914)
Beckley Road
429 Ezekiel Kelsey House (1760)
Berlin Street
239 Col. Richard Wilcox House (1802)
255 Edward E. Honiss House (1893)
Burnham Street
67 Rev. Samuel Clark House (1759)
Cottage Street
66 Sacred Heart Catholic Church (1897)
Depot Road
51 Berlin Train Station (1900)
Farmington Avenue
826-840 Tower House (1875)
Four Rod Road
29 William Daniels House (1855)
48 Henry Dickinson House (1847)
High Road
111 Henry Hooker House (1769)
148 William Hooker House (1771)
Hotchkiss Street
57 Newton Woodford House (1855)
103 Kensington United Methodist Church (1893)
Hudson Street
198 Grace L. Raymond House (1925)
203 Jesse Hart House (1800)
Main Street [East Berlin]
18 George W. Lawrence House (1891)
68 St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church (1897)
129 Fred W. Lang House (1893)
139 East Berlin United Methodist Church (1896)
161 Mary O. Bunce House (1888)
Main Street [Kensington]
10 American Paper Goods Company (1893)
80 & 88 Rev. Luke Daly Houses (1873)
245 Dominick Venturo House (1911)
289 Milo Hotchkiss House (1855)
305 King-Peck Memorial Building [Berlin Historical Society] (1902)
Middletown Road
136 Timothy Hubbard House (1735)
Mill Street
1210 Daniel Belden House (1855)
Norton Road
98 Edward A. Cole House (1785)
Percival Avenue
312 Kensington Congregational Church (1774)
329 Kensington Town Hall – Percival School (1855)
381 Dr. James Percival House (1784)
Robbins Road
14 Kensington Congregational Church Parsonage (1870)
155 Seth Stanley House (1750)
Sunset Lane
154 Charles M. Jarvis House (1905)
Worthington Ridge
723 Worthington Meetinghouse (1774)
754 Levi Deming House (1825)
811 Jedediah Norton House (1790)
812 Berlin Hotel (1814)
820 (1800)
825 Daniel Dunbar House (1804)
826 Joseph Booth House (1800)
834 Berlin Free Library (1831)
840 Elishama Brandegee House (1845)
845 George E. Prentice House (1930)
850 Worthington Ecclesiastical Society Parsonage (1845)
857 Blakeslee Barnes House (1820)
873 Lafayette Gladding House (1880)
877 Edith Bradley Taylor House (1905)
878 Berlin Congregational Church (1850)
883 Rev. Nathan Fenn House (1780)
888 Phineas Squires House (1790)
901 Catharine M. North House (1780)
914 Daniel Galpin House (1790)
935 Asahel Hart House (1786)
943/947 Galpin Store (1862)
944 Elijah Loveland Tavern (1797)
949 Samuel Porter House (1786)
973 Mary Brandegee House (1895)
983 Brandegee Hall (1884)
1006-1008 Walter Gwatkin House (1905)
1015 Leland Gwatkin House (1895)
1022 Edmund Boldero House (1801)
1035 Charles A Gillin House (1895)
1055 Fuller’s Tavern (1769)
1062 David Sage House (1770)
1121 Phineas Squires Case House (1750)
1276 Captain David Sage House (1720)
Berlin Historical Society Museum
Walking Tour of Berlin Historic District (Word Document download)
The Early History of Berlin, Connecticut (1913), by Emily S. Brandegee
History of Berlin, Connecticut (1916), by Catharine Melinda North
Two Hundredth Anniversary, Kensington Congregational Church (1912)