Buildings Index: Enfield, Thompsonville, Hazzardville
Cottage Green
46, 50, 54, 58 Cottage Green Cottages (1848)
Cybulski Road
8 Enfield Shaker Village: South Family Residence (1852)
Dust House Road
8 Hazard Powder Company Building (1850)
Enfield Street
723 Holy Cross Polish National Catholic Church (1935)
1060 (1840)
1221 Paul Robeson House (1903)
1235 Lt. Thomas Jones House (1760)
1280 Rev. Francis L. Robbins House (1830)
1294 Old Town Hall (1775)
1295 Enfield Congregational Church (1849)
1315 Orrin Thompson House (1832)
1346 Dr. Simeon Field House (1763)
1370 Rev. Nehemiah Prudden House (1783)
1380 Anderson House (1702)
1387 Martha A. Parsons House (1782)
Hazzard Avenue
312 Hazardville Hotel (1857)
317 Hazardville Institute (1869)
329 (1878)
330 Hazardville United Methodist Church (1872)
333 Olmstead-Allen House (1848)
359 Hazardville Grammar School (1864)
383 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (1863)
High Street
25 Methodist Episcopal Church of Thompsonville (1884)
100 United Presbyterian Church (1901)
King Street
1682 Hiram A. Terry House (1788)
1684 (1820)
Main Street
55 Old Axminster Building, Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Company (1902)
Pearl Street
37 Sullivan Building (1915)
64 St. Patrick Church (1904)
121 William Mulligan House (1886)
125 Robert Hilditch House (1895)
127 David Brainerd House (1874)
154 Benjamin Lord House (1876)
158 Jabez Davis House (1881)
159 Enfield Public Library, Pearl Street Branch (1914)
Pleasant Street
12 Carpet Company Superintendent’s House (1840)
Prospect Street
28 St. Andrews Episcopal Church (1859)
34 Henry G. Thompson House (1850)
40 Carpet Mill Tenement (1840)
School Street
8 Hazard Power Company Superintendent’s House (1865)
29 (1865)
30 (1878)
Shaker Road
289 Enfield Shaker Village Meeting House (1827)
South Maple Street
4 (1870)
32 Powder Mill Barn (1845)
Enfield Historical Society
History of Powder Hollow by George Bridge (Connecticut State Library)
The History of Enfield, Connecticut, Vol. III (1900), by Francis Olcott Allen
A sketch of the Strict Congregational Church of Enfield, Connecticut (1899), by Oliver William Means
A sketch of Enfield Rapids of Connecticut River : past, present, future (1915)