The church at the corner of Barnum and Noble avenues (235 Barnum Avenue) in Bridgeport was built in 1883 as the Washington Park Methodist Episcopal Church. The brick Gothic church with elaborate terra cotta trim was designed by Lawrence B. Valk of New York. Organized in 1853, Park Church was the first church in East Bridgeport. Today, the building is Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church. This parish was founded in 1950 and, the following year, acquired a church building and rectory on Grant Street. An adjoining building was purchased in 1958 to become the parish school, but in 1966, the parish was notified by the state that their property was required for the building of a hospital. In 1970, therefore, the parishioners voted to purchase the former Methodist church on Barnum Avenue to become their new home.
My family belonged to this church when I was growing up. My sisters and I all sang in the Children’s choir and when grown, in the Adult Choir. It is a beautiful building and we spent many happy hours there. My father and brother were ushers and my father belonged to some committees.
My mother and father, Ruth Estelle Whittaker and Raymond Lewis Cable were married here on February 14, 1943. Yes, Valentine’s Day. I was baptized and attended Sunday School here until we moved to Trumbull, Connecticut. So many happy memories.