Built in 1930 for G. Burgess Fisher and his wife, the house at 105 Scarborough Street in Hartford is one of the homes that will be open as part of the Mark Twain House & Museum‘s 31st Annual Holiday House Tour on Sunday, December 4, 2011. Described as “semi-Tudor” and French-Norman Chateau in style, the house was designed by Milton E. Hayman. It features Tudor elements (presented in a more ordered fashion than is typical of the style) and also has examples of classical detailing. The house was featured in an advertisement, headed “Modern De Lux Living” in the Hartford Courant of April 26, 1932. The ad, placed by the Hartford Gas Company, extolled the house’s modern amenities, including the “All-Gas Kitchen.” The original gas stove was later bought by Martha Stewart for one of her own houses.
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