One of the older houses in Bristol is the William Jerome House, at 367 Jerome Avenue. William Jerome I and his wife, Elizabeth Hart Jerome, purchased land adjacent to the house in 1741 and then the house itself the following year from Caleb Palmer, who had just built it.
William Jerome House (1742)
Current owner let us tour the house while being renovated and gave me a wooden shingle from the original construction, I am a decedent of Timothy Jerome, a founder of Meridan, CT, William, and Chauncey the clock maker. Decendents moved to the South to sell clocks and I was born in North Carolina.
I am researching my Mother-in-laws’ family and she is 4th or 5th ggdaughter of Phoebe Jerome. I was very surprised to find this picture. Also very happy to see it. Thank you for posting it.
I read that this home was also known as the Cippel House in later years. The Cippels were my ancestors. Can anyone tell me which Cippels lived there?
I am a descendent of William Jerome and I’m trying to do research on the lives of their slaves after William and Elizabeth died. But I know I’ll never find anything on them which is sad because people of color should learn about slavery in Bristol instead of the slavery in the southern states.
I wish the house could be a national place where people from all over could suck in some of our history. I wish it could be like Abe Lincoln’s home or Mount Vernon or some place like that because I want to see it for myself.