Designed in 1916 by Cass Gilbert and constructed between 1917 and 1919, the former headquarters building of the Chase Brass & Copper Company is located on Grand Street in Waterbury, opposite the city hall, which was also designed by Gilbert. Both buildings were part of a plan of development for Waterbury by the Chase Company’s president, Henry S. Chase, who died in 1918, a year before his company’s office building was completed. He was succeeded as president by his brother, Frederick. The Chase brothers had rejected the use of brick for the new building, so that it would contrast with the colonial style of the nearby city hall. The company left Waterbury in the 1960s, selling the building to preservationists in 1963 for one dollar. In 1966, it was purchased by the city for use as offices and is now known as the Chase Municipal Building.
Hi I hope you can help me. I am looking for information, if you have any records on my father Bernard G Garrity who worked for the Chase Brass Company from Jan 1947 to June 1948. If you have old records of his address at the time of his employment or his fathers name. We never knew our grandfather and now that I am researching the family history. My fathers dad is the missing link. My father died in 2009 leaving this mystery for me to figure out.
Anything you have I would be greatful
Stanley Garrity
Get a copy of your father’s death certificate by contacting the town hall where he died. It should list his father’s name there and mother’s name. That will give you a starting point. Do you know where he was born? You could always get a copy of his birth record.
I found a tag with your company on
It with the numbers 3965 & finder
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I am looking and searching for a Ruth Garrity who may have been your dad’s sister. Any info you can give I would appreciate! Thank you!