The Ebenezer Avery House, built around 1750, originally stood at the corner of Latham Street and Thames Street in Groton. On September 6, 1781, American soldiers, including Ebenezer Avery, who had been wounded at the Battle of Groton Heights, were being transported in a cart to become British prisoners. The rolling cart went out-of-control and collided with a tree. The wounded, in agony, were taken to the Ebenezer Avery House. The Averys were a prominent family of early settlers in Groton. Captain James Avery was the first of the family to settle in Groton in the seventeenth century. His son, also named James, occupied a house, built in 1671, known as the Hive of the Averys, which burned down in 1894. The Avery Memorial Association was formed the following year and erected a memorial at the site of the Hive. In 1971, Stanton Avery of California purchased the Ebenezer Avery House and donated it to the Association. The house was moved from its original location to the the grounds of Fort Griswold State Park, where today it is open to the public as a house museum.
Colonel Avery is my 5th great grandfather. I live near Hebron, Ohio. My daughter found this information. I hope one day to be able to pay the Avery House a visit.
Ebenezer is my 8th great grand uncle. I just made the rounds of his house, the Avery Monument and the Avery Morgan cemetery. My thanks to all involved in the up keep. I met a very knowledgable docen – Karen at the house, and by chance ran into Raymond Burdick (a relative) mowing the cemetery. In all a fullfilling day. My father, Thomas Avery Din & his brother, Crawford Morgan Dain would be proud. I was named after my great-grandmother, Grace Avery (Emily Grace Dain). Kudos!
I’ve come across two Ebenezer Averys. One is listed as born 1 May 1677; died 19 July 1752.
But the ‘Battle Of Groton Heights’ Ebenezer had to have lived beyond the above date.
I am a descendant of Jonathan Avery 1681-1741) & Elizabeth William (1691-1724).
Thank you for your help.
I go back to Christopher Avery b.1590 in England d. 1679 in New London on my mother’s paternal line. In some manner we are related to Ebenezer and I would like to know how.
(Christopher, [this same Christopher heads the line of my great grandfather’s wife) James, James, Christopher,John,John [by now family has removed to Preston, later called Griswold CT],John, John, Dwight, Dwight, my mother Ruth Avery French.
Great Grandmother’s line..Christopher, Abigail Avery Allen, Abigail Allen Williams, Abigail Williams Williams, Abigail Williams Avery m. to a distant cousin John Avery (see paternal line) parents of my Great grandfather Dwight Avery.
There is a grandfather clock in the Avery House. Does anyone know who made the clock?
Mike Krenesky how did you find out about the clock? Wouldn’t it be great to know more!! Karen Heesacker