The Saybrook Colony, later the town of Saybrook, eventually divided into several towns. Lyme broke off as early as 1655, with Chester, Westbrook, Essex and Old Saybrook (the earliest settled area of Saybrook) following in the nineteenth century. The second Congregational Church to be founded in what had been the Saybrook Colony (and the earliest in what is now the town of the Essex) was established in Centerbrook in the 1720s. The residents of the area of Saybrook called Deep River attended this church until 1833 (Centerbrook remained part of the town of Saybrook until it was added to Essex in 1859). Deep River’s own Congregational Church was built in 1833. Worship was held in the church as soon as it was completed, although it was not officially dedicated until it was entirely paid for the following year. The town of Saybrook was renamed Deep River in 1947. Earlier this year, the Church celebrated its 175th anniversary.
Hello, I am interested in finding information about my great-grandfather who may have been a minister in this church. I believe his name was William Van Reith Knouse. He had a son who was my grandfather, Frederick Van Reith Knouse and attended this church. I live in Weaverville, Calif. and am considering a visit next summer to Deep River.
Can you tell me anything about my great-grandfather, the years he ministered there and perhaps a picture. My cousin visited the church some time ago and said there is a plaque with his name on it in the church.
I would appreciate any information available. Thank you! Kaye Bayless
Hello again, I am interested in finding information about my great-grandfather who was a minister in this church. His name was William Van Reith Knouse. He had a son who was my grandfather, Frederick Van Reith Knouse. He attended this church when he was a boy.
I live in Weaverville, Ca. and am considering a visit next summer to Deep River.
Can you tell me something about my great-grandfather, the years he ministered here and perhaps send a picture.
My cousin visited the church some years ago and said there was a plaque with his name on it in the church.
I would appreciate any information. Thank you! Kaye Bayless
HI – back in 1950’s I lived in a house that was across from the church – it had been an old restaurant called 1890 House. Is it still there & is there any information I can get. I think we lived there about 1 1/2 years. I remember going to square dancing on Friday nites when I was in 7th & 8th grade at this church.
I understand from deaf digest this week there was the first minister who worked with the deaf folks. I am a descendant of rev dr isaac Lewis of first congregational church of greenwich ct and i am deaf.