The home of Manchester’s Masonic Lodge No. 73 AF & AM is at 25 East Center Street. Lodge #73 was chartered in 1826 and met in various places over the years before the Masonic Temple was built. These included the the upper floor of a two room school-house at Manchester Green (until 1855, except for a period of anti-Masonic sentiment, when the Lodge met at the home of John Mather, the first elected Worshipful Master of Manchester, from 1827 to 1844), the Center Academy building (1855-1875 and 1886-1913), the Spencer Block (1875-1885), Cheney Hall (1886) and lastly the Odd Fellows Building. The corner stone of the current temple was laid on October 2, 1926 at a ceremony which was combined with the observance of the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the lodge. The Temple was dedicated on October 8, 1927. The Temple is also the home of Friendship Tuscan Lodge No. 145 A.F. & A.M.
Charles Adams Platt designed several other mansions in Manchester. Scroll to the bottom of this link for photos and descriptions of the mansions. http://www.manchesterhistory.org/MHS3_CBNHLD_Home.html
Manchester also has buildings designed by Carrere & Hastings, Hapgood & Hapgood, Hammatt Billings. Two Stanford White designs have been demolished.
By the way, great web site!
Thanks! I also have a Manchester index page here: https://historicbuildingsct.com/?page_id=1989
Meant to post this on the Charles Adams Platt page!