Eleazar Wheelock, who later founded Dartmouth College, was the Congregational minister in Columbia from 1735 to 1770. His house, built in 1735, is located on the Green, next to the Congregational Church. Wheelock, a prominent figure during the Great Awakening, also trained young men for college and in 1743 he began privately teaching a young Mohegan named Samson Occom, who became a missionary to other Indians. He soon started teaching and converting other Native Americans in his home, then founding a school, called Moor’s Charity School in 1754, named for Joshua Moor, who donated land for the school. Wheelock used a school building, which is now located behind the Congregational Church in Columbia. Later, he moved to New Hampshire to establish Dartmouth College.
I have ties to the town of Columbia. Elmer E. Dewey, Deacon Benj. Lyman, Sameul E.Lyman (oldest brother) George W Lyman, Dr. O. B. Lyman (hartford) also Elmore E. Dewey married Elizabeth C. Lyman (daughter of deacon Bemjamin Lyman – Elmore had 2 daughters Helen A. and Kate A. who is the wife of my great great grandfather Clemen E. Burr Durham – they had 2 girks Grace and Vera – Grace is my Grandmother she married Harry Gaylord (Wallingford) and residied in Middletow. My mother is Vera Gaylord now 88.
In addition Mrs. Harriet Yeomans was the daughter of Eleazer and Rebecca Little Dewey.
She was know as sweet ole lady of the town.
I do have oil paintings of the Dewey farm done in 1885 (on back says the farm of Eleazer Dewey. Oneis the sheep barn other the House. Both need some restoration.
I amjust tracing down old realitives.
Is anyone responding to this site?
I can try to answer a question if you have one, but this site is focused more on architecture and the history of historic structures rather than on genealogy.
I assume the old Dewey Homestead is no longer standing in Columbia?
Ihave info on anyone looking for decendants of Eleazar Wheelock. My grandfather was Wm. Earl Wheelock direct decendant. We have traced some of the relatives to Quechee Inn in Vt. Lucia Wheelock (grandaughter of Eleazer) married James Marsh of the Marshland Farm which is Quechee Inn in Quechee VT. Have been there many many times. Hope this is of some help. LeeZ