At 519 Orange Street in New Haven is a Greek Revival-style house built in 1851. The house is called the Susan Sheridan House. This may be Susan Smith Sheridan, the first educator in the New Haven Public Schools to earn a doctorate degree. A school on Fountain Street in New Haven was also named in her honor.
Susan Sheridan House (1851)
I have owned this property since 1977. Wish a newer picture could be posted as I’ve recently remodeled and repainted it! The facts cited are according to records at the New Haven Historical Society (so it isn’t “may be”). And her doctorate, by the way, was among the first at Yale granted to a woman. She was principal of Wilbur Cross High school for most of the late 90s (that’s 1890s) into the ’20s.
I would like any information you care to share about the house. My grandmother was Susan Sheridan’s first cousin. My husband and I lived in the neighborhood when he attended graduate school at Yale.
Katie, belatedly saw this. 7 years later. Since I doubt your are following this thread, I won’t elaborate unless I see you post. But here is a link to her obituary in the NY Times in 1928. https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1928/07/19/118340139.html?pageNumber=21 Apparently she lived at 519 Orange her entire life and, according to the obit, asked to be released from Grace Hospital to return to the house where she passed away ten days later.