Built c. 1860-1865, the William J. Clark House is an Italianate-style residence in the Plantsville section of Southington. It originally stood on the southeast corner of Main and South Main Streets, but was later moved to 40 Cowles Street. William J. Clark established the Clark Brothers Bolt Company with his brothers Charles and Henry.
William J. Clark House (1860)
Up the street from this house is a Victorian House that is magnificent with a round tower and spire and a large carraige house out back in the rear.
It has a long graceful curving driveway leading up to the house. I believe this was the home of Mr. Plant the owner of Plants Manufacturing of Carraige Bolts with another factory 20 miles away in New Haven.
Does anyone have any knowledge about this house? Who originally built it? Who was the architect? Any other details of its history would be appreciated as it is really a very special and impressive home. Thank you!