Patriot Farm (1788)

Travelers on Route 6 in Bolton pass by a Federal/Greek Revival-style house with a sign identifying it as “Patriot Farm.” Older surveys date the house, at 822 Hopriver Road, to c.1822, but a sign on the house says it was built by Jonathan Colton in 1788 (the sign is on a wing of the house, so perhaps this refers to the wing as an earlier section, with main block dating to the 1820s?). The property is currently for sale.

Bolton Congregational Church (1848)

The Town of Bolton was incorporated in 1720 and the town’s Congregational Church was organized in 1725. The first meeting house, located on Bolton Green, was built used for about forty years, being replaced by a new building on the same site in 1767. The second church remained until it too was replaced by the current Bolton Congregational Church, a Greek Revival building with a truncated box-spire, in 1848.

285 Bolton Center Road, Bolton (1720)

The house at 285 Bolton Center Road in Bolton originally stood at the corner of High and Wadsworth Streets in East Hartford. It was moved to Bolton in the early 1990s by historic home restorers Len and Betty Matyia. The house, which may have been built as early as the late seventeenth century through around 1730, has been linked to the original Hartford proprietor William Hill, who traveled with Rev. Thomas Hooker to found the new settlement in 1636. Hill was captain of Hartford’s first trainband on the east side of the Connecticut River. The discovery of a connection with Hill in 1992 led to some controversy concerning the removal of the historic house from East Hartford. Restored to a post-Medieval appearance, the house is now situated in a rural colonial setting with an adjacent post and beam barn.